How to Pitch (Outreach) in PitchDB

1. Searching Bar:

Located at the top of the Outreach page, the search bar allows you to quickly locate your saved contacts. Type the contact’s name or a keyword and press ‘Enter’.

2. Filters Tool:

Next to the search bar, you can refine your list of contacts using the filters:

Categories: You can choose from Podcasts, Local Associations, Media Outlets, Conferences, and Experts to filter your contacts based on where you saved them from.

Contact List: Use this filter to view the lists you have created with saved contacts. Click the arrow to see the drop down list of contacts.

3. Tracking Your Outreach.

At the top of the Outreach/Pitch page, you can manage your outreach progress. This is a unique feature of PitchDB that allows you to track the contacts you’ve made for all areas (conference, podcasts, local associations, media outlets, experts). 

You can find:

  • New Contacts: View the contacts you’ve recently added.
  • Waiting: Check out the contacts you’ve saved a while ago and haven’t reached out to yet.
  • Sent: See the contacts you’ve sent at least one email to.
  • Replied: Review the contacts that have responded to your emails.
  • Booked: The list of contacts that you have set as booked.
  • Conversed: Check all the contacts you’ve successfully collaborated with, resulting from your use of PitchDB.

4. Contact Management:

After adding a contact from Podcasts, Local Associations, Media Outlets, Conferences, or Experts, they are ready for outreach:

Pitch: Click the ‘Pitch’ button next to the contact’s name. The PitchAI will generate an email. You can see the date when the contact was saved and the suggested email text. 

You can manually edit the message, use one of your stored templates, or regenerate the text with PitchAI. 

After the email is written to your approval, you can click either ‘Send Email’, ‘Schedule’, or ‘Send Test Email’.

The Follow Up, Book, Close Conversation options appear in the email thread after the initial email is sent.

Set as Booked, Set as Conversed, Add Audience Size, Add Notes: These actions can be performed under the ‘Sent’ tab to further manage your contacts.

If you see a contact on the list that you would like to remove, you can click on the “Mage Contact List”  button, view all your created lists, remove specific contacts, rename the list, or delete the entire list.

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